Welcome to Spain for expats! We aim at smoothing the arrival of foreigners to Spain by summarizing the administrative burdens and providing useful links to the appropriate administration services.

A quick reading of this blog might save you precious time when it comes to administrative tasks. For the rest, it’s up to you to make a treat out of your stay here! We hope you enjoy it 😉

Administrative task order

The order we advise would be:

Most tasks can be carried out simultaneously, but obviously some have to be done before others. For example, NIE/TIE and padron are required for the social security card. A precontract is needed to register with the social security services, which must be done to obtain a contract. You usually need an appointment (three weeks delay to obtain an appointment) to fulfill each task. Showing up at the appropriate office with all the necessary documents can greatly accelerate the process.

NIE, foreign identification number

If you’re from the European Union, you will have to ask for a NIE – Numero de Identidad de Extranjero. You will need to go to a police station with your passport or ID card and this form. There you will need to pay 10 euros or you can pay online here. You can obtain an appointment here for Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Malaga, Alicante and Zaragoza. If you’re in another city, you will have to fill in this form or this one if you prefer to obtain it in a police station. If you’re not yet in Spain, you can ask for a NIE at your embassy and don’t forget to specify that you need it to open a Spanish bank account!

Spanish banks

Here is a list of the main Spanish banks: Santander, BBVA, Caixa, Bankia, Sabadell, Bankinter, Kutxabank, Abanca.

We advise you to use your NIE to open your bank account and not your passport because that could lead you to a temporary bank account which can’t be renewed. If you leave the country before receiving your last salary installment, the easiest way to close your bank account is to use a trusty who will close it for you and transfer you the remaining money.

Social security number and card

You will have to ask for a social security number. If you have a digital certificate you can do it here. Otherwise you will have to go to a social security office which you can find at this address. You will have to go there with your ID card, passport or TIE and this completed form. Official informations here.

With your NIE, padron and social security number, you can ask for a social security card. For this you first have to ask for the documents accrediting your rights to social security. Make an appointment here. Then apply for the card in one of the offices you can find here for Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Bilbao/San Sebastian, Malaga, Zaragoza or here if you live in another city.

TIE, foreigner identification card

If you’re not from the European Union, you will need to apply for a TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero). The official information is here. You will have to pay here and then fill in this formulary and bring a color photograph along with your social security number to the appropriate office. You can make an appointment here for Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Alicante. Otherwise, you have to go to a Oficina de Extranjería or to a Comisaría de Policía.

Flats and accomodations

The most used website to find lodgings is called idealista. You can also use milanuncios or enalquiler. For flat sharing you can use badi or piso compartido. If you are staying for a short period spotahome is recomended. The rental prices are regulated in Barcelona and Valencia, the deposit cannot exceed two months rent in Bilbao. Rent increase are also regulated by the IPC (Indicio de Precio de Consumidor).

Padrón municipal: city hall registration

It is mandatory in Spain to register at the city hall. This will allow you to obtain a social security card, to vote in the local elections and to qualify for the Spanish driver license, to name a few advantages… To obtain the padrón you can fill in this webform for Madrid (appointment), Barcelona (appointment), Valencia (no form to fill, only appointment), Sevilla (appointment), Bilbao (appointment), Malaga, Oviedo (appointment), Gijon, Alicante (appointment), Zaragoza (no form to fill, only appointment).

Learn Spanish

The quality of life abraod increases when you can communicate and be understood which is a great motivation to learn Castillan! There are Spanish classes offered by different municipalities, in Madrid , Valencia, Bilbao, Alicante and Zaragoza. There are other classes in Barcelona and Malaga. In addition to language apps such as memrise or duolingo, there are these websites, all of which can help you practice the grammar aprenderespanol, Cervantes Institute. There are also many tandem and language exchange opportunities, although you might meet other expats at Internations, and other people with the same interests as yours on Meetup.

Public transportation system

We encourage you to use the public transportation system. You can consult here the prices of public transport in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Bilbao, Malaga, Asturias and Zaragoza. You can buy your annual card or register for it here in Madrid (buy online), Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Asturias and Zaragoza.

Driver license

If you’re from the USA, the European Union, Iceland, Norway, or Lichtenstein then you can drive in Spain with your national (or state) driving license. If you’re from South America, except for Suriname, or if you’re from Algeria, Korea, Japan, Macedonia, Morocco, Monaco, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Tunisia or the United Kingdom, you can ask for the canje here and fill in this form. The canje is a recognition of your home country driver license. Otherwise you will unfortunately have to take the written and practical driver’s exam.

Taxes deducted at source

The taxes in Spain are directly withheld from your salary. You will need to go to the Agencia Tributaria with all your pay slips in April and an employee will help you fill out your revenue declaration. You can ask for an appointment here eventhough it’s not mandatory. Afterwards, since the taxes owed also depends on the personal situation of each citizen, they will correct for the difference between the tax perceived and the tax due. Be careful: if you start working in Spain after July, you will only pay taxes starting in January, such that your net monthly salary will decrease by about 10% between December and January the first year.

Art work

The images on this blog are pictures of great works of art (in order of appearance): Artez, Félix Hernando García, Antonio Santin, Coralize, Jose Antonio Abella, Mok Wai Hoe, Daniel Barrio, Boa Mistura. We are very grateful to them for permitting us to display their work.


In case you have spotted inaccurate informations on this website or if you would like more informations, please write to david.perconte.duplain(at)gmail.com and I will answer you as soon as possible.